FBI säger att kryptoinvesteringsbedrägeri steg 183% till $2.57 Miljarder in 2022

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) says cryptocurrency investment fraud rose 183% från $907 million in 2021 till $2.57 miljarder in 2022, based on data from its Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). The FBI also warned the public ofa spike

Rysk domstol skickar 3 Kryptorånare till fängelse med strikt regim

Three Russians are going to spend time in high-security prison for stealing over a million U.S. dollars’ worth of cryptocurrency from another man. För övrigt, the court has also ordered them to fully compensate the victim for the damages, prosecutors announced….

Filippinska myndigheterna räddar påstådda offer för "Crypto Trafficking Ring"

Philippine authorities say that they have rescued alleged victims of acrypto trafficking ringwho were recruited to work in a call center in Cambodia and scam people out of their cryptocurrencies. The authorities are also investigating government employees who may

Krypton 6 Fallet ställs endast inför rätta 1 Åtalad vänster, Åklagarens så kallade "expert" utesluten

Den dec. 6, 2022, the “Crypto Six” case will be heading to trial, and out of all six defendants, only Ian Freeman, co-host of the radio broadcast Free Talk Live, has not accepted a plea bargain. According to the most recent

Brasiliansk kryptoinvesteringsplattform Bluebenx stoppar uttag under hackanklagelser

Bluebenx, a Brazil-based cryptocurrency investment platform, suspended withdrawals last week due to an alleged hack that made the company lose more than $31 miljon. The company announced that the withdrawals would be stopped for at least six months. The company has

Kazakstan undersöker Crypto Mining Hotel som påstås fungera som Ponzi Scheme

Myndigheter i Kazakstan har inlett en utredning av en hotellverksamhet i gruvdrift som misstänks vara en kryptopyramid som en del av ett pågående tillslag mot illegal verksamhet kopplad till kryptovalutor. Plattformen, kallas Bincloud, lockade investerare genom populära meddelandeappar. Bincloud

Hongkongs polis arresterade lurendrejare efter att han försvann med över 191 000 USD som tillhörde en kryptohandlare

Hong Kong police have arrested a man accused of stealing $191,085 from a cryptocurrency trader in what turned out to be a bogus transaction. No funds were recovered at the time of the suspects arrest and investigations are ongoing to determine

Advokat anklagar Huobi för att driva en kryptovalutabörs som "hålls ansvarig ingenstans"

Houbi Global, which is based in Seychelles, has been accused by lawyer Jonathan Levy of operating without accountability to any jurisdiction. The lawyer adds that the exchanges physical address in the island nation is for mailing purposes only. Accountability Issues U.S.-based

Ex-chef för Crypto Exchange Wex släppt i Polen

Former chief executive of the Russian cryptocurrency exchange Wex, Dmitry Vasiliev, has been released from arrest in Warsaw earlier this month. The ex-head of the now-defunct coin trading platform has since returned to Russia while court proceedings against him in Poland